Why dinnertime?
Food is an integral part of our lives, so why not make it as important as it should be. Dinnertime was the foundation of my day when I was raising my family. First thing in the morning, I made sure that all the ingredients I needed for my meal that evening were at hand. Doing this ensured that preparing dinner would go a lot smoother and make the whole process more enjoyable.
The Beauty of Meal Planning
My philosophy on dinnertime has truly shaped a lifestyle for me and my family. I mentioned meal planning a few times above because it makes all the difference! When I sit down every two weeks to make a meal plan, I follow my “Theme Nights” to keep things simple, stress free, healthy and happy. It has liberated me from stressing about dinnertime. As a mother of seven children, I couldn’t ask for anything more. Believe it or not, meal planning made dinner prep fun! I’ve always said that when you make dinner happen everyone wins!
I have a variety of tools to help you get started meal planning. First off you can download my Two Week Meal Plan Template by clicking here. Don’t want to have to think of your own recipes? No problem! Every two weeks I post the meal plan I use on my website. You are welcome to use that one and cook along with me. Also, don’t forget to tune in to watch our Live Videos on Instagram & Facebook, where we often show how to make the meals on our Meal Plan.

All the best to all of you care-givers wherever you may be. Putting dinner on the table for my family on a consistent basis was the one most fulfilling things I ever did! It was so gratifying to see how much everyone appreciated a good hot meal and how it has bonded our family forever.
The Food Nanny